List of Best 300 One Word Substitutions Asked in WBCS, SSC, IBPS, UPSC Exam। One word substitution PDF Download

 Hello Readers, how are u? I hope you all are good. Today, we are talking about the most important topics in English Comprehension that is “One Word Substitution”.

The competitive exams like SSC, IBPS, and UPSC comprise a test of English Comprehension. Here we are helping you in preparing one of the most important topics in English Comprehension that is “One Word Substitution”.

List of some common one-word substitutions are given below. These words are very important for any  competitive exams
           One word substitutions 

List of some common one-word substitutions are given below. These words are very important for any  competitive exams

174. Something that cannot be touched: Intangible

 175. Those who are highly educated and often concern themselves with ideas and new developments : Intelligentsia

 176. Not having made a will : Intestate 

177. The act of self-analysis : Introspection

 178. A forceful attacking speech used for blaming someone : Invective

 179. One who cannot be conquered : Invincible

 180. Not capable of being wounded or hurt : Invulnerable 181. Someone without fault that no blame could at all be given : Irreproachable 

182. To cross streets in a careless and dangerous way : Jaywalk 

183. To place dissimilar things side by side or close together : Juxtapose 

184. A long loose garment made of silk : Kimono

 185. Something that makes failure certain : Kiss of death 

186. Habit of stealing things : Kleptomania 

187. A joint between the finger and the hand: Knuckle

 188. One who behaves like a servant by always obeying someone: Lackey

 189. A humorous short poem with five lines : Limerick 

190. People with great knowledge of literature : Literati 

191. Uniform of a special type of servants : Livery

 192. A place where something particular happens : Locale

 193. Old unrecorded beliefs, about a particular subject : Lore 

194. One who has no interest in literature, art, etc. : Lowbrow 

195. That which is wrong with a system : Malady

 196. A feeling of pain without any particular pain or appearance of disease : Malaise 

197. Pretending or feigning disability or illness to shirk one's duty: Malingering 

198. Capable of being shaped by hammering : Malleable 

199. To derive pleasure from pain inflicted on yourself : Masochism 

200. The belief that one is more important and powerful than one really is : Megalomania 

201. One who lives by begging : Mendicant

202.of trade and business: Mercantile

203. Own who has monetary motives : Mercenary

204. One who takes extreme care of everything : Meticulous 

205. Those trained as soldiers but not belonging to a regular army: Militia 

206. The appearance of objects which are not really present : Mirage 

207. A hater of mankind : Misanthropist 

208. A hater of marriage : Misogamist 

209. A person who hates women : Misogynist 

210. Mass of common people (unruly) : Mob

211. A simple shoe made up of leather: Moccasin

 212. A person of very great power, wealth and importance : Mogul

 213. One who keeps thinking of one particular idea only : Monomaniac 

214. Extremely interested in unpleasant things: Morbid

 215. Making unpleasant stories about well-known people : Muckraking 

216. The study of fungi : Mycology 

217. Lacking foresight or scope or unable to see distant objects : Myopic 

218. Of sailor, ships or sailing : Nautical

 219. The practice which claims to learn about the future by talking with the dead : Necromancy 

220. New (idea, machine etc) but neither necessary nor better : Newfangled 

221. The belief that nothing has meaning or value: Nihilism

 222. To strike someone with elbow to draw attention : Nudge 

223. Study of coins and medals : Numismatics 

224. A person who is too stubborn in wrong doing: Obdurate 

225. The branch of medicine that deals with childbirth : Obsterics

 226. To conceal by way of eclipse : Occult 

227. Having a smell, especially a special one: Odoriferous 

228. A remedy for all diseases : Panacea

 229. An admirably stylish manner of doing things effortlessly : Panache 

230. One who has or pretends to have universal wisdom : Pansophist

 231. One who is not accepted by society : Pariah

 232. A last remark made at the moment of leaving : Parting shot 

233. Act of murdering one's own father: Patricide

 234. A man's fat stomach : Paunch

235. Making oneself willingly suffer for one's wrong doing : Penance 

236. Everlasting punishment after death: Perdition

 237. Travelling or wandering around: Peregrination 

238. When a work is done carelessly : Perfunctory 

239. A lie told on purpose under an oath : Perjury 

240. One who is not acceptable or welcome : Persona-non-grata 

241. The scientific study of rocks : Petrology

 242. One who flirts with women : Philanderer 

243. Love for human beings : Philanthropy 

244. One who does not care for intellectual pursuit, etc. : Philistine

 245. Killing of fish : Piscicide

 246. The entrance of a coalmine : Pithead 

247. The act of passing the write up of other's writing as one's own : Plagiarism 

248. An accusation or charge : Plaint 

249. Belonging to the lower social classes : Plebeian 

250. Government run by the richest class : Plutocracy 

251. Madness for money : Plutomania 

252. A face that shows nothing of what one is actually thinking or feeling : Poker face 

253. Any liquid suitable for drinking : Potable

 254. A person who is able to imagine or guess what will probably happen : Prescient

255. To act or speak evasively with intent to deceive : Prevaricate 

256. Introductory part of a play or long poem : Prologue 

257. The rules by which the patterns of sounds are arranged in poetry: Prosody 

258. Original model : Prototype 

259. Systematic study of election trends: Psephology 

260. Characteristic of childhood or immaturity: Puerile

 261. A thick yellowish liquid produced in an infected wound : Pus 

262. A sudden secretly planned attempt to remove a government. by force : Putsch 

263. One who has a strange and morbid passion for setting things on fire : Pyromaniac 

264. Four singers or musicians performing together: Quartet 

265. Trying to do the impossible, often so as to help others : Quixotic

 266. A noisy mnh: Rabble ot 

281. Sngme MY interesting way: Raconteur Corsiney-Ta, who is good at telling stories in an

268. Politics based on practical facts rather than on moral and ideological aims : Realpolitik 

269. Right/left page of an open book : Recto/Verso

 270. Lying down on the back or side : Recumbent

 271. A government policy of increasing the amount of money : Reflation 

272. Something old that reminds us of the past: Relic 

273. Recalling past events with sentiments : Reminiscent 

274. One who deserts party, principle or an apostate: Renegade 

275. A severe deserved punishment : Retribution

 276. The quest of the main beliefs of an already existing political system : Revisionism 

277. A deep, full, reverberating sound: Resonance

 278. One who travels a lot and has no fixed address or responsibilities : Rolling stone 

279. A string of beads used for counting prayers : Rosary 

280. One who acts only to make official decisions already taken by another : Rubber stamp 

281. An official decision of a court: Ruling

 282. One who practices sabotage : Saboteur 

283. Violation or profaning of sacred things: Sacrilege 

284. A leather seat over the back of an animal meant for the rider : Saddle 

285. An oily substance used for healing of wounds : Salve 

286. The most sacred place of a temple : Sanctum

287. Wise and full of vast knowledge : Sapient 288. One who can see into the future : Seer

 289. A bunch of grain plants tied together : Sheaf

 290. A popular slogan or a catchword: Shibboleth

 291. Any office with high salary but no work : Sinecure 

292. A repeated rising and falling of the voice in speaking: Singsong 

293. A person believed to be a eniminal : Skelm 

294. A slight unintentional mistake : Slip-up 

295. A young or unimportant person : Small fry

 296. A tall chimney of a factory or a ship: Smokestack 

297. A person well-known for attending fashionable parties : Socialite

 298. Talking to one's self: Soliloquy 

299. A person who walks in his sleep: Somnambulist

 300. False arguments meant to deceive: Sophism

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